r/overwatch - Page 12
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[COMING SOON] Junkertown | New Escort Map | Overwatch
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Please allow Lucio to be able to boop Mercy mid-air to add some counter play to her flying to rez bullshit when playing as Lucio.
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Whoever made this, please stop.
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I can't believe how many people won't play seriously. Want a good QP comp? Yeah, right! Want a good competitive comp? Yeah, right!
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Who else thinks that getting oneshot by doomfist is way more frustrating than getting oneshot by the old roadhog?
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Every time there is a player that doesn't understand how to play with their team (tanks/healers). I check their stats and like 80% of the time they have 5 DPS for their top 5 played...
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Don't tell people they're trash with a hero in Quickplay. They're likely there to learn it, and your discouragement doesn't help the community.
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Wanted to try my hand at 3D modelling and rendering. Why not start with overwatch?!
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Wanted to try my hand at 3D modelling and rendering. Why not start with overwatch?!
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We aren't willing to grow and improve, and it's hurting the game.
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This is the reason why I switched from console to PC
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Cease your existence.
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I'm loving my placement matches, they're so competitive!
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Season 5 feels like a turning point in the game
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Season 5 feels like a turning point in the game
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The SR system is needlessly punishing people that fill or swap roles mid-game
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Weekly Role Discussion Thread: Defense - July 08, 2017
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Opinion: Mercy feels frustrating to play against because her play style is too forgiving (possible changes inside)
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Did anybody else confuse TEAM KILL with actual friendly fire at first?