371 words Racism and sexism at school? 370 words Didn't do fantastic, how do I rock this semester? 201 words Taking the bar in NY bar next month. Any tips for the MPT section?? Or any tips for taking the bar in general, other than memorizing and understanding the black letter law. 202 words Taking the bar in NY bar next month. Any tips for the MPT section?? Or any tips for taking the bar in general, other than memorizing and understanding the black letter law. 222 words People who were not high achieving in law school and did not like the experience of law school, what kept you going? 250 words Anyone have an outline/format or any general advice on how to attack Personal Jurisdiction Questions on Civ Pro Exam? 209 words Is there any practical reason for preferentially hiring T-14 graduates? 235 words Questions on law school and law jobs for a junior in HS 316 words Just wanted to share a poem by Robert Frost that helped me keep chugging on thus far. Maybe it'll help you too. 195 words End of 1L week #1: thoughts, concerns, reactions? Strategy going forward? 272 words JULY 2016 BAR PREP MEGA THREAD! 245 words Burnt out and looking for support... 270 words I can't do this right now. 226 words Most Epic Exchange Between a Defendant and a Judge...EVER. 417 words ELI5 - Reclaim Harvard Law 574 words Harvard activists claim jurisdiction over building, tear down flyers critical of group 346 words Interview Nerves/wtf do I ask THEM? 570 words Weekly Complaint Thread - 2/4 - LWYRUP Edition 323 words 1L Interview tips- Alcohol and Confidence? 436 words Law school relationships (romantic and friendships)