187 words All I hear when people repeat this... 433 words The Decline and Fall of an Ultra Rich Online Gaming Empire (Co-Starring President Bannon!) 257 words When the Republicans are considered the working class party, something is seriously fucked up. 246 words The Simplest and Most Perfect Explanation of Privilege I’ve Ever Seen 264 words The Simplest and Most Perfect Explanation of Privilege I’ve Ever Seen 431 words "Millennials in 2013 had median earnings that were 43 percent lower than that of Generation Xers in 1995, when Gen X was at a similar point in its demographic development." 249 words Economists are too detached from the real world and have failed to learn from the financial crisis, insisting on using mathematical models which do not reflect reality 229 words Communism doesn't work because human beings are naturally greedy. We also don't need welfare programs because people are generous and will donate money to charities. 182 words The Trump Way 171 words DAE socialism sucks?? 397 words Class Consciousness - What's your story? 252 words In the 50's, we ran a nationwide system of interconnected mass transit into the ground so we could have this. 223 words How have you personally experienced the effects of late stage capitalism? 231 words The latest trend 309 words "Amazing Video Games" are the reason young men aren't working 377 words "As a fiscally conservative person...." the poor don't deserve food. Bonus "suicide doesn't justify welfare!" 227 words "Paid for by Colonial Apartments" 253 words "The idea that the poor should have leisure has always been shocking to the rich." 381 words It's bewildering to me how acceptable modern life is to the majority of people 602 words At least they stopped trying to justify it