173 words Dear Bungie, When will Forsaken Weapon Exotics get Masterworks? 127 words Really hard to feel sorry for Bungie's financial woes 118 words Theory: The “asset” is the Dreadnaught and we use it to gain access to Quria. 122 words Now that Bungo confirmed that Ives' quest its 3 weeks long, can you guys pls stop asking me about it? 184 words Opinion: Should wish ender penetrate vandal bubble / hive knight shield? 125 words Imagine a hockey team refusing to use their skates and shouting "That's not fair" because the opposing team plays normally and skates around them. That is basically what Solo players are doing when they shout "no Fireteams". 179 words DMG and Cosmo, please can we hear from the crucible team about it’s current state in an upcoming TWAB, particularly re: heavy ammo. 288 words This sub is incredibly anti-discussion when it comes to PvP changes. 192 words Hey bungie, could Competitive get a “Double Glory” or a “no points lost” weekend? Then maybe other people will also want to forgo peace and happiness and grind their face against the concrete devil that is Competitive 193 words I'm pleased there are many avenues to 600 light in a reasonable amount of time. 130 words Ikelos Shotgun doesn't need a nerf 307 words Bungie, keep the Haunted Forest game mode. Throw in random rolled versions of the Prophecy Weapons as loot to gain and give Brother Vance the bounties for the Haunted Forest. 238 words Since we have so many close range maps, can you reduce the zoom on snipers back to what they were in D1? It feels like I have a telescope attached to my sniper 297 words Focused Feedback: Season 4 Matchmaking for current Game Modes (PVP, Strikes, Gambit) 148 words Gird your loins. Next week is Festival of the Lost, Iron Banner, Double/Triple Valor AND week 3 of Dreaming City. Anyone besides me taking some vacation days? 154 words Toning down the grind? 143 words Got Kicked By Fireteam At The Riven Encounter 200 words Level 585 and still no year 2 exotic. 172 words Focused Feedback: Gambit 207 words we need to talk about PvP Breakthrough