"Your President is Dying!": Women Dance in Celebration Outside Trump's Hospital

So if I understand clearly your counterargument is

  • You're crazy
  • No u
  • Whatabout biden

And no, I'm not Hitler, because I don't believe any innocent people are deserving of ill fate. I do have compassion for innocent people, and people guilty of crimes even. Most people I have compassion for. The select few I don't are truly vile.

And I don't believe any birth status makes you guilty / non-innocent. Hitler attacked Jews, homosexuals, minority groups, basically everyone for just existing. I am not attacking anyone, just saying that I don't have compassion for Trump... And not because of his race, religion, sexuality, or anything else effectively immutable. It's his character and his actions that have brought suffering onto others that exempt him from my compassion.

Another difference is action of the state. Hitler used death camps to "punish" the "undesirables". I don't think Trump should receive any punishment from the state other than what he is legally deserving of, decided by an impartial jury in a court of law for his crimes.

You call me Hitler for thinking someone of excessive evil character and harmful action is undeserving of individual compassion that carries no real world value (as in my compassion in no way actually affects him), but I'm the crazy one?

You'd sooner compare me to Hitler for not pitying Trump than compare Trump to Hitler. Where are my death camps? Where's my genocide? Where's my fascism? Where's my army of nationalists?

Truly absurd

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