[WP] The world's tiniest dragon must defend his hoard, a single gold coin, from those who would steal it.

Rulphait awoke from his great slumber to the sound of footsteps drawing nearer. He glanced down at the immense hoard that rested below his clawed feet. Oh how his beautiful treasure shined!

Thieves! Rapscallions! and Banditos!

Someone had come to steal the tremendous treasure of the fearsome black dragon Rulphait!

A figure crouched in the entrance of the lair. Rulphait the Reaper twisted his mighty head and unleashed an inferno of hellfire at his intruder.

... And managed to do little more than singe the hairs from the chin and brows of the leprechaun who had followed him into the (former) rabbit hole.

"Aye! Ye've taken me gold, ye bloody lizard. Now ye've gone and taken me beard! " The leprechaun shrieked.

"Who dares disturb Rulphait the Reaper, black dragon of death?" the little dragon squeaked mightily. He was every bit as mighty as the rabbit he'd battled for this lair (the remains of which sat half-eaten in the corner).

"Ah I see, ye lit'l bugger. Ye stole yer lair, ye stole meh gold dubloon, and ye dun't realize yer every bit as big as a baby's boot." the Leprechaun laughed.

"Dragons steal nothing! We take what belongs to us. Now leave or face my woefully wrath!" Rulphait ordered, and took another breath preparing to unleash another wave of inferno.

"Aye, ya wee fucker. I'd hate to kill sumthin' so cute. But ye just stay away from meh rainbow and me pot of gold, ye hear?" the leprechaun said, turning to head for the door.

Rulphait flapped his little wings, which were not much bigger than dollar bills, and wriggled his little black body and sent a wave of inferno out after the leprechaun that could have been a puff of perfume passing through a flame.

Rulphait sniffed his mighty nose in victory at the foolish knight who had so brainlessly tried to plunder his hoard. It had been a formidable battle, but in the end Rulphait the Reaper had incinerated him with a final breath of fury and hellfire.

And now, with his vast and tremendous hoard safe once again, he resumed his great slumber.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread