[WP] A stretch of cars is stuck in a traffic jam on the interstate. Days pass with no movement. To the bewilderment of the outside world, rather than abandon their vehicles, the travelers restart their lives in and around their cars, interacting only with drivers and passengers in nearby cars.

"Hello Don! Uhh, yes this is Rhys Jones with the Channel 7 6o'clock news reporting in on the stretch of highway that has turned into its very own community. The locals have dubbed it "The Long Road Home" and it has become something of pure fantasy".

Rhys turns around him to motion at the hundreds of cars behind him. Each one is in perfect unison, with all their doors open, creating a perfect streamline of each car connecting to the other one.

"Now I've managed to get one of the locals to talk to me, hey there what's your name again sir?"

"Michael McCabe, but you can call me McCabe". McCabe was a rugged looking man wearing nothing but a singlet covered in sweat stains and a few food stains closer to the chest. His height was unknown as he hadn't stood in the days, residing only in the car.

"Now McCabe can you tell us why you haven't left? You could easily just get out of your car and, you know, go home?" Rhys positioned his mike under McCabe mouth.

"Well, you know the way me paps always said was that he said ""You can either try to make lemonade outta lemons or you can just go ahead and try to enjoy the lemons son"" and after that lil moment I just kinda took it to heart ye know?" McCabe looked over at the camera and winked like he had just stated the greatest piece of information known to man.

"Ahuh, fair enough McCabe so how do you make all this work?"

"We helps each other. The man to your left, thats called your left hand man and the one on your right is called the Righty. Leftys help ya rightys, and the other way around is also the true. End of the day though it all goes for one and one for all so we're just lookin' out for each other. So yeah that's about it hey man"

Rhys stared silently at McCabes face. All his years of journalism training hadn't prepared him for this. A man to answer his question with no information. Like instincts he finally jolted back in.

"That's one of the greatest things there mate, but we've run outta time. From The Long Road Home, this is Rhys Jones, reporting out."

/r/WritingPrompts Thread