[WP] You have the same name as a historic leader. One day you find yourself in the distant past armed only with the knowledge of your 21st century life. It occurs to you that you must rise to power and fulfill your legacy in the history books.

I woke up in a home much older than my own. There were old school posters all over the world, music artists and politicians. Mostly country singers, though. The rumble of the street spun its way through the thing glass panes that were my room windows. And a quick look at my body told me that I was much smaller than I had previously been.

It took me a full week to get used to the change. But what was most obvious was that I had been sent back in time. I kept my memories of history, iPhones, and electronic cigarettes. Although, if I'm being honest it wasn't all that useful.

As each day passed in my new life, I began to piece the parts together. I knew what I had to do. The question was how I was going to get Dad to give it to me. And thus my quest began.

"Dad. . ."

He was busy with the books.

"Dad?" I said.

Dad paused mid-sentence and then arched his head over his shoulder. "What is it?"

"I need to ask a favour."

He didn't like it when I asked for anything, really. I'd figured his take on favours would be the same.

Dad scrunched his face at me. "If this is about going to the movies with Todd and his buddies you can think again. We don't waste our money on things like that."

I sighed. "It's not about that."

"Spit it out."

There was only one way to put this. "Dad, I'd like to borrow a million dollars from you so I can proceed to invest and re-invest this in an array of golf courses, casinos, hotel apartments, and office buildings."

There, I said it, it was out in the open.

Dad's jaw just about hit the floor. It took him a few moments to gather himself. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a twenty. "Tell Todd and the boys I said hello."

Damnit. I took the dub and scooted outta there.

I'd just try again tomorrow.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread