[WP] Mars is actually the planet that was flooded by God in the bible. Noah got on a space ship and came to Earth.

Noah gagged from the smell. "Oh god!" On the ground was a green blob, flattened by Noah's foot. The smell that rose from the green blob was almost deadly. The green blob used to be a Kulian "Crap." Noah realized that he needed another one of the Kulians. He spat on the other Kulian in the room, and it divided itself into two. Noah was done wth filling his arc. Noah walked out of the metallic room and made his way foward through the long hallway. The hallway was full of many other rooms, the hallways were full of two every specie on Mars. He walked by the Kulians, the Relkins, the Wshilons, the humans, and their kinder relatives, the Canadiana. He knew that this time that he saw the species would be the last time he saw the species until he was on the new world. He wouldn't be able to check in on them while he was piloting.

Noah didn't fully understand why he was actually flying these species to this new world. It was just two weeks before that God had called upon Noah. He told Noah that he would flood Mars with a poisonous substance, and that Noah had to take two of each specie to a new world using a spaceship named the Arc2.0. Noah agreed to bring the species to the new world, in exchange for getting to bring every human in mars to the New World, rather than just two humans.

Noah walked in to the pilot room, and he saw an array of buttons infront of him. He remembered the instructions that God had told him about how to use the ship. ( Press the power button. Next, a projection would appear over the windshield, use the steering wheel to align a yellow arrow on the projection with a red dot on the projection. In three hours of steering, he would be at this strange new land with the species of Mars. ) As he began to hit a button, he heard the door to the pilot's room slide open. It was his wife, Noella. "Are we ready for take off, Captain." Noella laughed. "Almost." Noah hit what he thought was the power button. Nothing appeared to happen. No projection appeared. What Noah didn't realize was that he had hit the eject button, seperating the Pilot's room from the rest of the rooms as an escape pod. The view from the Arc2.0's windshield was not the best, so Noah wasn't able to see that the Pilot's room was moving. As the spacecraft moved foward, Noah found the correct power button, and pushed it. A projection appeared. "Noella, we are off!" Noah sighed, "Can you check on the Martians?" "Sure, sweetie." Noella lifted one of her feet off of the ground and spun around. "Sweetie." "What?" "There is no door." "What?" "The door just leads in to the space. There is no hallway behind it." Noella yelled out. "Oh lord! We can't let god know." Noella wanted to panic, but she realized that she needed to calm her husband. She walked up to him, but as she walked, God appeared directly in front of her. "You called?" God asked. He was a tall man, and he was intimidatingly muscley. "Nope." Noah replied to God. "Bye." Noella said, anxious for God to leave. "Okay." God smiled. Noah sighed in relief. "One question." God grinned toothily, "How long have you been up here without the rest of the ship?" Noah sighed. This time, he was not relieved or scared. He knew that he was over. He knew that God would punish him. "It's okay!" God said. "I meant to have you eject the other passengers." Noah looked back up at god, confused. Why would God do that and ruin the plotline of the reddit post just like that? "I wanted the humans to inhabit the new world. There are already some species there, and I know that it can thrive with humans. Even better, you and Noella will need to reproduce to fill up this New world! And you had to leave Mars. It was too boring for me to watch you when you were in Mars. I wanted to mix things up."

"But why? Why did you make the arc? Why is any of this happening, God?" Noella asked.

"Do you not get it?" God asked. "You don't have to be here. In fact, everything and everyone that has ever existed are for my entertainment. You don't have to be here. You can die. I can't. Everything that exists keeps me company. Everything that happens happens for a reason. That reason is me. " Noah and Noella were spechless. "Don't worry, I will let you live in The New World. I need to. There would be no fun if I killed you off. It will be fun to see the Human race grow on this New world. Goodbye Noah."

God disappeared as the blue and green orb that was the New world began to grow.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread