[WP] after death you enter spectator mode and have the ability to watch all living humans, what do you do all day?

Whoever thought dying would be awesome. Now, instead of trolling the nets, I haunt the locker rooms. Hah, hah, hah, see what I did there. Seriously though, being a specter is awesome. Like super awesome. You think that things would be different when you die, but really not much so. Apparently, the soul has to match the body. I guess it's like a hand that fits in a glove is how'd I best describe it. And as a hand that shucks the glove, well, everything is so much more sensitive. Light's brighter, sound's more acute, smell and taste are richer, and touch--oh my GOD--touch is awesome. Now, I can't touch physical things, but I can touch myself. I know what you're thinking--ew, it's a pervertgeists. Well, after a decade or so being alone, you'd swoosh too (it don't fap) and leave ectoplasm everywhere, especially in Todd's toothpaste for moving in on your widow. Fuck you, Todd. So you know, I had to move on. Kids call Todd Pop, so what the hell's the point of me sticking around there? Another great thing about being a ghost is you can go where you want when you want. I think Einstein said that we're all energy--or potential energy--and we're always changing (WTF I know, I was an English major when I was living). Seems as a ghost, I'm just pure energy. That means, duh-da-da-dah, traveling at the speed of light. So I hang out with movies stars. It's not as cool as you'd think hanging out on sets and watching the movies shoot. Kinda strips the magic of it all. Not looking forward to Avengers 2. Not only do I know what happens, but I found the plot to be disappointing. Also, Whedon took a page from the Michael Bay playbook and dumped product after product into each and every shot, which is why the run time is about three hours. Recently, I've discovered that I can travel through power lines, phone and fiber optic cables. That's how I'm here. I thought you redditors would like to hear my day-to-day cause we have something in common: I'm a ghost and you're all zombies. BAH DUM DUM. Heh. Well. Fuck y'all too. Anyway. I got more interesting shit to attend too. Celebrity Jihad and what not. Keep it real, fellers. And when you hear some static or get an errant text, that's just me sayin', "Holla."

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