Has the WoD hype vanished?

I never buy to the hype, I objectively check every expac and wether it would be worth spending my subscription money on. That said, I have been playing on the PTR realms(since it was free) and pretty much noticed how the content has become dumber and dumber PvP-wise following the years.

I also don't like the current end-game model for WoW, there is basically nothing to do.

The devs did some right things in WoD and before they disabled the non-WoD people's auth I quested and got lvl 100 and I guess, the storylines in questing were nice and all, but ultimately all this effort was ruined by the garrisons.

It feels so stupid, like why would I want to support Blizzard with, not just my sub money, but buying their expac, when they don't do shit to improve the quality of their game- instead releasing half-assed expansions with half-assed features such as Garrison's, wich don't integrate in the world, but are just a seperate instance where you spend so much time on? I dunno, that just feels so pointless to me.

Nevermind the fact that they have been continously dumbing down the game all these years. There was something magical about VWoW talents that I still kinda like. I love that I can get a cookie cutter build or just something silly like take reckoning from Prot as a Paladin, and spend rest of the talents in retribution or something. Experimentation like that doesn't exist in modern WoW. And as said, the PvP is utter garbage, classes identity has been long since destroyed(everyone has CC/escape mechanism of some sort, interruption, then healers, for instance, are unkillable 1v1, etc)

So yeah, sadly modern WoW is simply something I cannot conceiveably concider even spending my sub money on. It's barely worth the sub fee(it isn't for me) let alone the expansion pack? Are you serious? You pump out content that I like, dumb down the game that I don't like, and except me to even pay for it? Nty.

I haven't been playing private servers before, so im glad I got to the train of two quality servers releasing pretty much one after another, Nostalrius then Kronos. It's nice to have near 100% authentic Vanilla experience to play on! I only hope these private servers will keep on improving and expanding the theme that the original Vanilla was built on, eg. buff weak or underpowered talents, make more talents wich open up a bunch of different playstyles and so on. Make world PvP objectives, make World PvP dynamic, if you conquer a town, it will stay conquered until at least the next week or so(at the same time honor ratings are calculated). More reputations, more interesting, dynamic reputations such as the Magram and Gelkis centaur clans. Things like that. More items, more legendaries, buff to underpowered items across all levels, and so on and so on.

/r/wowservers Thread