Winning bidder for Grindr has ties to Chinese owner

Mate. Are you so blind?? Look outside your window, YOU are the one living in an authoritarian brainwashed society. This is like trying to tell someone that by stabbing their eyes with a fork they won't be able to see the fork in their hand that is the cause of their blindness. All these issues you've listed are things happening in the USA not China. It's the oldest trick in the book they just blame other countries of doing what they themselves are the most guilty of doing. Your country is on fire and you are still defending it to the core. That right there is the proof of how deep your indoctrination has gone. One day when you realise this I truly hope you remember this rediculously pointless conversation.

Ps if you truly believe you are on the right side of history please feel free to read each point in this and address each of these individually.

List of Atrocities committed by US authorities:

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