Whose supporters engage in more personal attacks, Trump or Sanders? Also "What is a cuck?"

Donald Trump is a great person. He is very honest and kind and will do a lot of good things. Although he is old and cranky, he is an honest man and did good things like help black people.

Donald Trump is admittedly old and cranky. He is 69 years old and will probably die soon so he is mad at the world. Also he is sick of injustice and is mad at that too. That's why he talks with a weird accent and always shouts at robot Macro Rubio and makes fun of CIA sleeper agent Hilary Clinton. It's OK that Trump is cranky though because deep down he has a big heart.

Donald Trump is an honest guy with a big heart. He said a lot of things in the past about how he liked poor people and black people, and still believes the same things. That means he is honest, since he did not lie about the things he believes, he believes the same thing all the time! But not only is he honest, he is honest in a good way unlike Hilary and does good things like help different kinds of people.

One of the kinds of people he helps is black people. He is very nice to black people and let black protesters speak at his own speech! Also he participated in the civil rights movement and fought to end racism and segregation. Because he did this, he is a good person. Participating in protests is a good thing to do and since he did a good thing he is a good person. Protesting is very dangerous so Trump risked a lot to help black people and it really paid off.

Donald Trump is also a very successful businessman. He has a lot of money and used that money to help out all sorts of different people! He is a great guy and will really make America great again.

Trump is an honest person who loves everyone and that is why he should be president. We want a good honest person as our president and not a mean liar so he is the perfect candidate! He will make America great again.

/r/SubredditDrama Thread