Whose Line is it Saturday: [April 22, 2017]

It was Sunday, and Blake awoke before dawn. Normally, waking up so early would be ridiculous to her; after so long in the field, Beacon gave her a place to sleep in, and she would put that to use. But Sunday morning had a purpose.

She showered and dressed quickly, and made her way out for the dorm and towards the gardens before the Sun had yet to rise. Dawn in the gardens was a wonderful thing to watch, beautiful. But that wasn't the point.

She arrived in time for Fox to set down the first cup of tea. Fox put a master's clockwork to shame, and the second cup was ready just as Ren entered their secluded spot in the gardens. Blake took her first sip as the three began their morning ritual, and as always the team was delicious. But that wasn't the real point.

An older student, now a full Huntress, has started this tradition, pulling a younger Fox in her wake. Now, he was the master, Blake and Ren his students. They had asked others if they wished to join, quietly, but were turned down. Blake had asked Yang, and Ren Nora, but both of their partners believed "tea wasn't their style".

Blake heard the soft steps first, but Fox was quick to pick it up. Prof. Port was the last man in Beacon Blake expected to see arrive, yet Fox was already pouring a cup when the braggadocios professor sat down beside Ren at their quiet table. The three regulars and newfound guest drank tea, as the Sun began to rise. It was serene, though that wasn't really the point.

"Team APPL", the large man said, breaking the calming silence with quiet words. "Four young Huntsmen, ready to bend the world to their ambitions, their dreams." The three students listened in silence.

"Mountain Glenn was... Mountain Glenn was their first mission after Beacon. APPL went in, and. And someone others called 'Peter' came out. Lloyd wanted to be a teacher."

No one spoke, as the man louder than life bore his soul in the beginnings of the day. 'To listen' was the one rule.

This, after all, was the point.

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