When I tell people one of the reasons I don't want kids is that I do not want my body to go through birth, they think of these concerns as vain. They do not realize the extent of what can happen.

I 100% agree and I’d like to add one more medical reason.

Pregnancy’s will lower your calcium level which can lead to weaker bones and teeth. In my family we recently had a conversation about dental care and my grandma suddenly said her teeth were always really healthy until she got pregnant. Her kids (my mom, aunts) all immediately said “No ThAt’s CauSe oF yOur AgE”

I got so angry and disappointed cause they wouldn’t believe her. Like she was actually right?!

For decades now she is suffering and has to make dentist appointments frequently. By now she doesn’t even have any really teeth anymore. It’s cruel.

The long term effects of pregnancy’s are never taken serious and always overshadowed by everyone saying “bAby’s ArE a bLesSinG”

As someone who is terrified of seeing doctors a pregnancy is my worst nightmare.

/r/childfree Thread