What's the worst lie you've been told by your parents as a child?

I wanted to clarify this a bit. When my mother was ~23-24 yr old she got pregnant. My "dad" back then knew he wasnt the father, but decided to go with it and help raise me.

When i was about 2, my mum and "dad" split up, but my dad kept paying support, I kept visiting him and his mother (grandma) and still have awesome relation with the whole part of that family.

When I was about 8-9 I started catching up on subtle hints, like how my mum would never reffer to my dad as "dad" but as "mr.<mccuz's last name>". I then stumbled upon a diary my mum was writing on our computer. After reading just a bit, I connected the dates and the thing finaly clicked for me while I was still really young.

I kept it hidden to myself, I knew the truth, but I still loved my "dad" and I loved my "grandma" and people from my "2nd side of the family".

Later on I had a huge falling out with my mother, I fucked up real bad and this was the thing that poped into my mind to throw back at her, just to make it all stop. Well,.. it did. My mother went silent mid-screaming and just got the saddest look in her eyes. I said that I knew for a while now, and that I really blame her for not being honest.

She had no real response, it was obviously very unexpected to hear that from me. She told me I'm right and that there's only 3 people that knew about it, if we count me in now, there were 4. Her, me, "my dad", and my uncle. Neither of the parents knew, my "grandma" still considers me as one of her grandchildren and I'll always consider her as my grandma.

She'll never know and neither will my "uncles", "aunts" and my "cousins". I love them all a lot and they were all a huge part of my childhood. Lately I see less and less of them, but there wont be a single moment in my life where I dont consider all of them my family.

My "dad" remaried after that and has 2 other kids, whom I consider my step-brothers eventho we have no blood relation. Hopefully they'll never know.

The situation that I defenitely abused to make my mother came clean about it, was an awful decision. I guess I finaly got to confirm what I've been feeling and thinking for years, but it did build a gap between me and my mum. I've picked the most awful moment to bring it up, as a defensive mechanism. We've never discussed it since (about 15 years), and I have no idea who my biological father is and to be honest,.. I dont care.

I kinnda hope I'll never know, since I love my "dad" and I love "his side" of the family aswell, eventho I have no real memories of times when mum and "dad" were still together.

I just wanted to say, thanks Dad!

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