what's the dirtiest thing you've done on a first date?

about 3 years ago, someone from the opposite coast visited my profile & i messaged her to ask why. she said she was planning on visiting the city & was "looking for a tour guide." i declined, but told her to let me know if she found herself in [part of the city where i lived]. she said she was, surprisingly, staying nearby.

we met up on her 29th birthday; i didn't think she'd actually show up because she kept sending messages about how she had to do "one more thing" [quite reasonably: she was out & about celebrating with friends, i.e., people she actually knew deep into the night]. but, sure enough, she appeared outside my residence at 4AM.

it was probably the closest approximation i've had to a one-night stand & was differentiated from a 1NS only because she and i are still connected on Social MediaTM & by her having left behind a bag that night/morning -- realized later the next day & met her outside very briefly to return it. [in retrospect, there may have been one closer approximation, and, i suppose, it was even "dirtier"... well, one story at a time.]

despite [or because of] never having fully engaged in it, i see a certain appeal in stranger-sex, i.e., never knowing the person's name. cf. IASIP S4E6:

Greta or Sasha?

Oh, no. Noooo. Shit, bro. Why'd you do that, bro? Come here, man.

What did I do?

You said their names. Come on, man; that kills it for me.

& yet more than once i've sensed a fake name & doxed the person.

anyway. i don't know if this qualifies as "dirty" but it's about as close as i've gotten to total-stranger-status at the time & thereafter, which is an interesting change of pace from my normal activities.

as a final note [to whom? who reads this!] i am sometimes especially drawn to women who aren't head-turningly attractive in a more conventional sense. i think we are generally attracted to people who are about as good-looking as ourselves, so i suppose this is essentially an observation about my own appearance; but after a nontrivial # of women who were conventionally very attractive, i delighted in hugging it out with someone who i might not have otherwise struck up a conversation with. [there's probably a value lesson that i've yet to learn embedded in all this...]

/r/OkCupid Thread