What's the best luck you have ever had in your life?

I'm late to the party but I can't not share this. No way this will get seen but this is so "lucky" that it made me believe there's more to life than we know.

I moved to NC to be with my parents while my dad battled terminal stage liver cancer. I was renting a deteriorating 100 year old mill house with a terrible landlord 5 miles away from my parents home. The main was leaking but it was bricked dead center into the foundation. Water poured into the basement from cracks in the brick. The tub and toilets would overflow daily. Mold was rampant. But that didn't matter to me at all since I spent every waking hour at my parents house on the lake.

Dad passed away a few months after I arrived and left Mom alone on a 6 acre peninsula with a beautiful house on the outskirts of rural Charlotte.

We went back to Texas for a few weeks to be with family.

I promised Dad that I would grow up, become a man and protect Mom and always be there for her.

When we came back, the house two doors down from Mom was for rent. Two acres, 2/1 on a lake for 850/mo. Something that my girlfriend and I could somehow afford sitting right next to my mom's 1.2 million dollar home and others.

The house had been vacant for 4 years leading up to this.

The moment the property manager handed me my keys, it snowed. Mid February in Charlotte. It snowed for 10 minutes. Between receiving the keys and unlocking the door.

That was last year.

Now I'm a Realtor. I've only been in the industry for a few months and I've already closed over half a mill in volume. These next few months are looking good for me.

That last part wasn't luck...

/r/AskReddit Thread