What is your honest opinion on the future of South Africa?

Which country has ever been successfully ran with Black leaders? I suppose none, yes I said none, calling me a racist will only give you a headache and I can't be racist towards my race because I'm also Black, yep that's right. Is there a country ran by Black people that has been successful as any well run European country or rather any first world country? none, yes I said it again, none I believe. If you think that this country is like this because it's leaders are uneducated well I suppose having a great education alone proves nothing if you think it'll make for a good comment, look at Mugabe, he has got great education but it seems it all flushed through his ears as he has single-handedly broke Rhodesia into a wreck now known as Zimbabwe today. All black leaders seem to have this sort of "trait", that the political power they have is there to enrich them, their elite followers and families in the expense of hardworking citizens, and this is only because they were "part of the struggle". Education alone will not make you of a great leader, there's more to building a great country than just having an educated nation. Education is absolutely important in any aspect of building greatness but alone will not cut it through, there are other life aspects that need to accompany an educated nation that can build greatness. Certainly these aspects are non-existent to these Black leaders. They are also non-existent to Mugabe as he couldn't use his great education to uplift the long dead economy of Zimbabwe. The other aspect is the citizens or rather the followers of these Black leaders, they are immensely gullible human beings lacking self thought, even with the educated ones it's all the same, but I suppose if you're told to vote for a "democracy" that gives you free opportunities for tenders and jobs that you're not qualified for then why not vote for them, I mean they promise to build you free houses, give aways and t-shirts, it's a free ride right!, even if they destroy the rest of the functioning structures of the country. Partisan politics and tribal politics are the game of the day here, only vote for the one promising to give you what you want, only vote for the one who's got the same skin colour as you, speaks the same language and believes in the same values as you right, isn't that right? Look there's a reason why Africa has never been able to attain civilisation as Europe has done. People still believe that a political party should hand them things and be ran by the same people of their skin colour, then that party is worthy to be voted for.

/r/southafrica Thread