What is up with the new fad of focusing on sexual preferences of everything and everybody? It is sort of opening up another pointless pithole that everyone can be tossed into for nearly any reason. (e.g. Anytype of religious ideology that caused backlash)

Hi, long time lurker, but new member!, my friends recently had a huge argument and aren't speaking to eachother and its causing massive amounts of issues within our group (im in uni and they are part of our study group, and listening to them bicker while where studying is..... yea.). So this all started when gay marriage was legalized in the united stated, my female friend is gay, my male friend is not, he never had a strong opinion on the matter, and was always far from biased, he even made a bunch of sluts look like idiots when she tried to him on them and they verbally insulted the hell out of her, hes a big guy, and girls like him, and he put them in their places infront of everyone at this bar (uni bar, der). Anyway, legalization occurs, and it becomes a small conversation starter, then me and my buddy rick start to realize matt is continously just RANDOMLY bringing it up, and the last time we all were together, we got smashed and he randomly brought it up again, saying how it could ruin already happy couples either in relationships/marriages who may be attracted to the opposite sex, we all kinda lol'd a bit, but then we realize that his gf HAS been skulking around our gay friend (her name protected cause fhk you thats why), anyway they get into a heated screaming match, blah blah blah, now there not talking, hes sticking to his guns, but i know its just an ideology thingy thats been planted within his head by his parents being biased, and i wanted to see if i could get more insight in r/philosophy, obviously they just wanted to make opinionated comments towards me. All i wanted is something to explain to my friends that this is whats causing them to act this way, and if they see it from this other point of view it could help, but r/philosophy did not even come CLOSE to what i was expecting, i posted on askreddit (wasnt supposed to go there, sorry:) ) then it was deleted so i went to r/philosophy.

Just remove it, all I got were trolls trying to instigate me for some reason, and saying im 15. This subreddit is useless and only wasted your space, and steers the websites resources in a terrible direction, into an ideological, opinionated playground of losers.

Just... remove it. Trust me, im honestly surprised its still around. To anyone who actually has a degree in philosophy, How is it having a degree in opinions and basic understanding of reality, existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind and language. Congrats, you are now a basic human!.

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