What is something America gets shit for but is actually reasonable if you think about it?

the amount of people that want to secede in texas is so minimal, it's a non-issue. It's not as if we go home and talk about it at night with our families, or show up at our gam gams house every weekend and daydream about it.

That said, if anyone stood a chance at being a successful independent state from the union, it would be us. The nation relies so hard on us. You could easily forget a state in the midwest. You could let a southeastern state float off into the atlantic, and we've seen NYC/boston/dc can be shut down for days without serious repercussion while California can't handle a budget.

meanwhile Texas marches the fuck on, because we're Texans.

we shoot terrorizors on the spot, we have fuck headed retarded 'wheels' for a governor, and nasa/burn centers/cancer centers/military/oil/etcfuckingetc are all world class in Texas.

now, if only california would stop hemorrhaging their trader joes and in and out shits over here.

p.s. shake shack sucks, but if a ny'er wants to see one without a line, come down to slamar, it's always empty when i pass by :D

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