What scares people about Trump is that he's actually really fucking smart.

Wait a minute. I have to correct myself here. I just did a quick Google search and learned that America spends as much on its military as the next several nations combined, about 600 billion a year. Also, apparently there hasn't been a single country which has attacked US soil for over half a century. In fact, it seems that such an attack would be considered suicide on the part of any nation, so it does seem like the US military is in fact feared. I mean, we do have dozens of bases on every corner of the world, one of the largest nuclear arsenals and the uncontested most powerful military that has ever existed in the history of mankind but I guess Trump figures that's not enough?

But bombing Isis was still a good, concrete, fleshed out plan. Every time the US bombs a country it bounces back into a more stable and humane regime. I mean, look at when we bombed the Communist rebels in Cambodia. We ousted the Cambodian regime which was uncooperative and installed an American friendly alternative and then we carried out a massive bombing campaign against the Khmer Rouge. It worked perfectly except for the fact that the Khmer Rouge subsequently took over Cambodia and proceeded to commit genocide under Pol Pot in attempt to eradicate everything and everyone that was perceived to posses a foreign influence. But still, the bombing campaign was a nuanced approach that would have worked had it not sparked a genocide in backlash.

Also, I realize I mentioned Vietnam as an instance where we were afraid to bomb, but apparently we actually carried out a massive bombing campaign, the likes of which have never been seen since, and the result was that we escalated the the amount of death and destruction of a civil war into absolute slaughter which resulted in over a million deaths caused by the US military alone. I'm not sure of this approach did much to promote peace, but maybe it made people want to mess with us less?

In any case, I'm sure bombing Isis will definitely make extremist militias in that region disappear, and it really took in depth knowledge of matters of war and foreign politics for Trump to come up with that. I mean, bombing terrorists out of existence works all the time... A few example off the top of my head are... umm... Maybe you can help me out on this one cause I'm drawing a blank. But Trumps a smart guy and I'm sure you have looked into his rhetoric to see that it's sound, so I'd love to hear about the terrorist militias which were bombed out of existence, and did not merely divide and regroup and splinter into more extremist groups.

Come to think of it, Trumps statements on Isis seem to be entirely devoid of any substance and you could even say and blatant nonsense. It's almost as if he's an idiot. I mean, I don't want to sound like a libtards here, but perhaps when he says he's going to rebuild to most advanced and powerful military that has ever existed in all of history because it's not strong enough, perhaps that's actually a stupid thing to say. Perhaps when he says his solution to Isis is to bomb them more, he's actually saying something completely meaningless which any idiot with no concept of how these matters work could blurt out without anything to back up their logic.

I don't know, I'm just thinking out loud here.

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