What is the point in abolishing the state?

I’m not expecting you to write out a law textbook, but if you’re going to have a society with no state you at least need a framework for combatting crime. I don’t understand your point about child rapists, I’m not calling someone a pedophile like QAnon idiots do. I’m using that as an example because it is a perfect representation of a human who commits a crime that is completely depraved with no possible justification. When did I say that Capitalism protects children? The state protects children to a certain degree by tossing pedos in a cell.

I’ve seen community solutions to pedophiles in videos from small rural communities across the world. Those solutions typically are beating them to death as a mob.

You didn’t actually answer the question, you provided critiques of Capitalism, which isn’t even part of the discussion right now. I don’t expect Communism to solve crime, but if you’re going to advocate the removal of the state then you need some way of dealing with the issue of crime. The states primary reason for existing is the establishment and enforcement of the law. If you’re going to advocate removing the state, then you need some kind of plan for dealing with crime. All you have provided is effectively saying we are going to analyze what causes crime and then make strategies to deal with it. That doesn’t actually answer the question. No matter what there will still be pieces of shit out there who commit terrible actions because we are animals driven by impulses. No amount of understanding or analysis will change the fact that sometimes people get mad and do terrible things, or that some people have desires that will push them to ruin other people’s lives.
If you are going to advocate the removal of our one systematic approach for punishing these people, then you need to provide more of a framework for how we prevent the world from sinking into mob justice.

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