What little disgusting secret do you have?

I once stayed at the palazzo versace. Paris Hilton was also staying there so my friend asked me to get her autograph if I saw her. I did not end up seeing her but though it would be funny to do a prank autograph. This was before the internet was everywhere so had no idea what her autograph looked like. The prank autograph was just her name written in cursive with a heart over the i.(I still have never looked up what it looks like). I figured a few days later they would find out it was a prank and we would laugh about it. Over ten years later (We were about 13 at this time) we are sitting in my friends room going through old memories, photos etc and next thing I know my friend pulls out the "autograph". They start going on about, remember how you got this for me and wanted me to retell the story. I said I could not really remember. I could not believe it and had totally forgotten about it. I have been thinking about trying to get into the room alone so I can grab it but at this point I really do not know what to do. We are still friends to this day and I am hoping they do not find out. Feels good to get this off my chest.

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