What happens when an intellectually disabled client becomes pregnant and one of her male caregivers refuses to give a DNA sample to rule himself out? Spoiler alert: He probably gets fired.

I actually faced a similar situation where I didn't want my DNA logged into a data base. My brother died and his body was never found, when a body did come up in the area where he went missing I was the only sibling with 100% blood related ties to him so the coroners office sent a DNA kit with the local sheriff to my house. I did it in a heart beat, but I'm still uncomfortable with having done it, especially because the body wasn't my brother. I don't know why I felt uncomfortable giving my DNA but I did. I understand this guy's issue with handing something over like that, but come on, a rape accusation that he claims to be "innocent" of? Why make it harder on yourself if you're truly innocent.

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