What happened on "the worst day of your life"?

Being a homeless teen/runaway in a place far from my original home. I made some friends on the streets and stayed with them squatting (homeless camping). The area we stayed in was in some thick tree/bush area behind a business. I was actually feeling sick so I just stayed in the camp alone to rest while everyone went to do stuff. A man from the nearby business climbed into our camp. I was in a pile of blankets and a tarp trying to keep warm while sleeping. I heard someone moving about but assumed it was one of the people from camp until I started getting hit over and over again. I was pretty scared as it was a few very painful blows to my head and arm despite having a few layers between me and what I was being hit with. The man was hitting me with a metal shovel. He grabbed/pushed/shoved me repeatedly towards where he came in to kick me out. While he was doing this I dropped a ring that was important to me and he made some nasty comment about "people like you are not worthy of such possessions and are scum of this earth" and then he literally chased me down the street from the squat area. As he was chasing me around a corner and yelling at me my squat friends got the quick story from me and then chased him. The guy looked scared as all hell. The cops came, we got kicked out of the area but none of us arrested, and then we ended up getting caught in a rain storm while it was early in the night still. By the time we reached the wee hours of the morning I was feeling extremely sick. Several of my older homeless friends encouraged me and another young kid to go to a teen shelter nearby. We did. It took me a few weeks to get better. The situation was the worst that brought me to the shelter but going to that shelter forever changed my life for the better.

/r/AskReddit Thread