What benefit could therapy offer for someone without major problems?

People do overthink, and then it just becomes so confusing they don't make any changes at all and continue making the same choices that brought them to consider therapy, or post in such a way that other people suggest therapy, in the first place. I honestly think most people will make the right choice, though, if they ever take a sincere look at themselves. It helps to consider if the way you are living your life is something worth sharing with somebody that you care about. If you feel embarrassed about something or unhappy, you should make the changes that need to be made to live life the way you want to.

I've had a therapist say things to me and truly felt like I was getting a useful perspective. But the harm far outweighs the good that can come from that, because no matter what therapists claim, it's damaging to be in therapy. It's damaging to always been seen as a client by the one person we cling to in our weakest moments and it's damaging to have them eventually terminate. The most well-adjusted person in the world will get used to their therapist, and to lose that is very harmful. I do think they try to get us to rely on ourselves only, but most of the time, it feels like while the rest of society is telling them, "You deal with this guy, he's annoying," the therapist is also looking forward to dumping us into the ocean without teaching us to swim and to love the water. I think that some people can be receptive and sane enough to learn how to swim, but lots of people who seek therapy aren't, and they often just drown or delay that drowning by moving on to another therapist. It's like this in every relationship in everyone's life: it's just one fad after another, or, rather, we're the fad and we're being passed along from one person to another. In the end, though, everybody's bored of us and we've run out of people who will take pity on us. We're all alone. People want to believe that that can be avoided, though, so they go into therapy all optimistic and shit. Even if they aren't, they continue going.

Going to therapy isn't a cure for loneliness, in fact, it makes you feel even more alone. Because no matter what you do or say, that therapist won't hug you the way you want to be hugged or be your friend. You're left knowing it isn't the cure yet going anyway because you fucking need that contact, yet feeling like nobody in the world will ever want to know you or let you into their life -- you don't deserve it. If you did, you wouldn't have to pay for it.

I actually like you, don't just not hate you. The mod is also fair, so don't worry about being banned or anything like that (unless you start, you know, being an asshole). I don't think they're truly angry, I think most of them just don't have the answers. Ask your questions, but realize that most people probably like to live in ignorance. Even if they had the answers and they weren't "up to par," they would probably still go to their next session.

Not really violent, just not really in the mood to do anything besides sleep. If I have to read, it needs to be one of the litany of things I need to read. I come on reddit for short bursts of interaction, not long, drawn-out conversations. Also, not having the answers frustrates me.

Not sure what the heck I just typed. I'm sure it was mainly about my own issues, though. Goodnight, dude.

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