What are your complete thoughts about ANF? Did you dislike it? Were there some improvements it made throughout the series as a whole? Don't be afraid to go in-depth through your thought process, I'll be glad to read lengthy comments you type.

My overall opinion of the game was that it was okay. It doesn't live up to its predecessors though. I've only done one play through so take this review with a grain of salt.

The characters in the game were poorly developed despite being quite memorable. I still remember most of their names which doesn't happen often in video games (or in real life lol).

I'll start with Clem. Her character doesn't really change with previous decisions which is kinda sad. Furthermore having her as a side character really screws with the story as you'll be more likely to side with her just because she's Clem. Despite this I still enjoyed her interactions and I ended up left wanting more. Her flashbacks however were shit I'll get to that part when reviewing the story.

Next I'll move onto the main character Javier. He's okay if not a bit bland. He's basically a guy trying to look after his family. My issue with him is the variety of options you get for dialogue choices and decision making. A lot of them are very lacking and I found myself want to click an option that was not there. He could have used a lot more character development.

Then you have his family. I was not comfortable with the relationship Kate as it felt like betrayal. In the end I rejected all moves while trying to be supportive. This never changed anything and just made interactions later on weird. She really tries to force the relationship on you. It made me not like her as a character or maybe as a person.

David was a mess of a character that could have really used more work. I couldn't tell what telltale wanted to make him. Hardened but caring? A wife beater? A soldier? In the end he just seemed like an arse with anger management issues. He did have some moments but that last fight was cheesy and lazy.

Gabe was kinda okay. It was a rough start but I grew to like him as his character grew until the interactions between him and Clem. Then I went full defensive father and had to hold myself back and try to roleplay from Javiers perspective rather than from Clems guardian's position. That only got worse when he started acting out in the later episodes. I was actually relieved when he died which really shouldn't have happened. I think I would have gone bananas if I had gone with Jane in season 2.

Who was that girl who died at the start again?

Quick summary of the other sides. Tripp was cool but could have used more development. Medic girl wasn't memorable. Conrad seemed good at the start but I shot him because he was going to shoot me and Gabe if we didn't comply with Clems betrayal. Didn't really care about Ava and her death scene was garbage. Praise Jesus.

Story And gameplay:

It was mediocre. It really suffers from pacing. Character needed more development. The flashbacks were bad. Not only were they timed poorly but they didn't show much in general. Kennys death was underwhelming but believable. Clems hatred of a new frontier seems unjustified and David just seems to keep AJ just cause he can.

The decisions in the story aren't as impactful as previous seasons. Mainly because side characters do whatever they want. Looking at you David. Also as mentioned above there is a lack of variety in decision making. Some decisions require the player to make them without knowing what they're doing. Like Javier and poker or Clem and the medicine.

Finally there were a lot if graphical glitches with the game. Black lines going all over the place and my backpack that ejected through my chest and made me make imma firing my laser puns. Amusing for a bit but irritating in the long run.

There are other thing but I think I've rambled on enough.

/r/TheWalkingDeadGame Thread Link - i.redd.it