West could 'lose' Turkey without more support, Ankara warns

I feel that Turkey is ignoring the fact that no western nation wants anything to do with them any more, if it weren't for things like them keeping the refugees out of Europe. Blackmail. ninjaedit I forgot Germany selling all those shiny tanks

I believe the first chance the west gets to dump this asshole friend, they take it.

We have had our share of immigration problems over here in the Netherlands. But somehow I think we saw the Turks as an example of how immigration can work out good. They did their thing. The last few years, things have changed, the mood changed, with the coup and protests in other countries that have nothing to do with it as a bonus. Dutch people being reported to Turkey/held in Turkey. I believe it's the last straw, enduring constant nagging of muslim organisations that want to change the rotten west and demanding all kinds of things and the enormous influx of immigrants.. who demand things.

The thing is... the Dutch don't demand things. They are fundamentally different. So when all those organisations and people start demanding things, it doesn't quite feel allright and it builds up. It's sad, but totally understandable.

/r/worldnews Thread Link - irishtimes.com