You were never her friend

Men and women are not meant to be friends at all.

Of course there can be exceptions, but The Red Pill deals in generalities.

Men and women are are different as dogs and martians, but are socially conditioned to follow a script that all things are equal between the two: physical ability, mental prowess, emotional stability, and sexual marketplace options and eligibility; if we are EVER to skew one way or the other, the belief must be that women have a more difficult time securing opportunities and equitable treatment- and, because of this, a woman who succeeds is moxie and tenacious.

A friendship you have with a woman must rest of these terms as a foundation. Furthermore, female programming runs on the idea of categorizing all men she meets as potential mates (Alpha fucks), useful in some way (beta bucks), or disposable (omega gross). Even if the friendship is sincere to you, that you don't judge her just because you don't want to stick it in her, understand that she is indeed judging for the very same reason.

These two elements together form a climate where your interactions with her must be slanted in a way that favors the Female Imperative, which means, NO UNAUTHORIZED OPINIONS.

I illustrated this idea in my blog: “All vaginas are the same size~!!11″ and the Unequal Nature of Equality

Since the idea of TOTALLY EQUAL EQUALITY must be the foundation, if a man is a failure where a woman can easily succeed- say, getting laid consistently, she will judge her pal as a failure because the differences in difficulty cannot be acknowledged.

Essentially, ALL WOMEN will never admit that life as a man- all facets of life as a man- is more difficult; getting laid, getting a job/succeeding at that job, staying in attractive physical shape (all they need to do is to stay thin vs juggling body fat and muscle mass), socializing (respect must be maintained for a man to socially succeed, where-as women can always fall-back on being sympathetic if need be).

TLDR: Essentially all facets of life are more difficult for a man, and a man has a greater potential to fail with no safety net in place, and since this dynamic will not be addressed by a female friend, and remember that the social narrative in on her side, men and women cannot truly be friends.

/r/TheRedPill Thread