We're about to lose a very good thing. A plea from a tea veteran to the whole community.

First off I dont mind if your trying to slam me or am slaming me, its fine. I'm cool with defending my points or discussing why i talk like I do on this sub. Also you make some decent points so I will response:

My main point usually is that what is getting more attention: this sub with 250 subscribers and let us be generous and say 3000 lurkers or the 3rd most visited website in the USA and 6th most in the world. I just don't think the poppytea subreddit is going to shape national agenda if it ever got down to them investigating poppyseeds. So yeah I don't think talking on this sub matters really. Although if someone died I will no longer be giving advice on how to make it cause I don't wanna get in trouble. Also last person I gave advice after they read it on the subreddit i had them type read and deleted it immediately. although ur right in that shoulda been PMed, but I just will no longer do it.

I disagree because it is what I truly believe. Not everyone is buying poppy seeds for their illegal use, as bakerys do buy it. And if u search enough online food stores that sell poppy seeds you will find legitimate reviews(on like sites that sell wholesale food to food industry places and they list their store/address/# on review, and u can tell when review is real) They complain about shit seeds like ppl on this sub do, but for other reasons. Maybe you don't notice a difference but people do. But you can. The amzn store we always talk about(see no name mentioned) sells 80 other products besides the seeds, and they have a huge fucking business they aren't just a seed store.

I wasn't joking when I said a NYC politician would be thrown out of office if people thought they were ruining their poppy seed bagels/muffins; It would be a placebo effect..certainly in a very liberal city where its 8 to 1 dems to reps, but enough about that. Even though if you started shooting guns as a kid you probably grew up in a state where the polls make harsher laws. Although NY is about to ban kratom, but that won't effect ppls bagels and muffins as no one knows what that is. Poppy seeds are on a lot of food, people love that shit to eat. Also how many people die off of this tea or are checking into rehab cause of said tea where it will be on everyone's radar like your making it seem it will...You act like its the next herion epedimic, and I just disagree based on what I read/see/hear.

people OVERDOSE ON ALCOHOL, YOU GET THAT RIGHT? They die and kill people and hit their wives. People die on OTC medicine, heck ppl overdose on water and die.

What if a newbie is trying to get off herion or oxy and they buy bunk seeds and just go back? What about that? I'm sure people on this sub have went from hard to soft.

I think there is something to gain from discussing brands especially when the specialty retailer sells his by certain batches, unless he is full of shit, which here very well might be. Also if amzn store gets shit reviews for 4 months in a row that will tell me some info. Or if they get 80% good reviews in last 4 months that will tell me something else. And me buying good seeds, and u buying good seeds and everyone buying good seeds is at the top of our agendas when it concerns this subreddit. So what is the point of this reddit without seed discussion? to talk about what is beter leomande or snapple when making it.

/r/PoppyTea Thread Parent