VP Pence and other official White House staff engaging in prayer against coronavirus. These are adults in positions of power.

It’s hard to take you seriously when you don’t even have the intellect to pay attention in school and use proper grammar and spelling. Someone so simple goes right over our head and makes me doubt your grasp of more complex issues.

The morals I have aren’t taught. Are you telling me that you need a holy book to tell you how to behave, like a dog? You would rape, murder, and steal from your fellow man if your book didn’t prevent you from doing so? Is it true that you need to be forced to act like a decent human being?

I treat all life with dignity and respect. My morals come from wanting to increase prosperity for all, and I don’t need some poorly written book of anecdotes to tell me how to do it.

By the way, I’m white, and as far back as I’m able to research none of my family has ever been religious, and have contributed more to society than you and your disgusting tribe.

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