VP, Internet.org

What is Net Neutrality?

net neutrality


The principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all **content** and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites.

That's the widely accepted meaning of net Neutrality world wide.

What many governments decided was that zero rating could be bad if it harms competition, but it isn’t in all cases because it can benefit consumers. That’s why they’re looking at zero rating “case-by-case” and we agree with that view.

Care to give some context or examples here?

Another opinion: Anything that favors one site over another in any way, whether throttling, blocking, differential pricing, is against Net Neutrality. I can understand this purist view, but I think that its fair to say that its not a view shared by many of the countries that have enacted legislation on Net Neutrality.

What are these countries?

In the US and EU (and other nations), there have been long and detailed debates in mature regulatory environments that ended with the enactment of firm net neutrality laws.

India and Indians isn't mature enough to decide for themselves? Is that your view or Facebook's?

These laws allow for zero rating, having recognized the increased access to internet connectivity and other consumer benefits that zero rating can bring.

These 'laws' that you speak of, have they taken into account the disadvantages of zero rating?

it fits within the definition of net neutrality adopted by many governments who listened to many sides of the debate and took an informed position.

What are these governments that you are referring to? Why are you so vague in your answer by using words like some many

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