Vin Diesel's greatest performance: Playing with shark toys in 1994.

That scene is intense. I can watch less realistic fight scenes, and watch ones that end before they get too far along. But this kind, where the bad guy's true colors get exposed, and they either look to be in true agony or are begging for mercy, are too much.

Every time I see one, I cringe harder than for anything else. Even though I wanted to see it, I wanted this guy to get what's coming to him, in the moment it arrives, I can't live it down. I realize that it's terrifying: The look that they always have on their face. Instead of being satisfied, I feel the horror that is a human being crying out to his or her opponent for the most basic shred of human compassion. To be the person who did this to someone else would be just as scary to me as being the guy losing the fight. I don't think I could forgive myself.

Vin diesel is so believable in this scene. His speech, while I expected it to be a bit corny, was very genuine. The fight is so visceral. It takes him a lot of hits to go down, but he keeps going. And he doesn't stop when he's down. And not when he's bleeding. And not until he's looked him in the face and made certain he's out cold.

This time, it got me. I cried. I couldn't stay still. I couldnt bear to be alone. I had to go wake my girlfriend up and get a hug from her. There have been moments in my life, most of them long gone, where I felt like the end of the fight might satisfy me. But every time I see the end of one, I can't stomach it. Thankfully, I never let myself find out. But these scenes remind me of what a monster I could be. And it makes me very scared.

I agree man, it's a very powerful scene. It's much more than I expected from vin diesel, to be honest. I really didn't expect to be writing this response so late. But I really feel compelled to respond. You sent me on an emotional roller coaster, and I'm not sure if I was tall enough to ride.

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