Video: In 2007, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton denounced the Bush administration practice of hiding official correspondence from the public using private email servers -- a practice she replicated less than two years later. .

What's that meant to prove other than the gap between spending and revenues clearly grew massively leading up to 2009, and then has been falling since, which is what everyone's been saying.

Be clear.

This isn't about politics, it's about not being a hack.

As I said, I don't come from your country. Where I live, there was a broadly left leaning government at the time of the crisis, and a right leaning government came in about a year after Obama. Since then, the deficit has fallen (though not as quickly as under Obama), although it is still historically high, but way lower than when they left office. However I've never heard anyone, from the opposition, even from the very fringes of politics, try to use that as an argument against the current government, because that would be absolutely moronic. It really would. And don't get me wrong, people over here make really stupid political arguments, but there are boundaries... there are limits of credibility and points at which even the general public, who can be made to swallow all sorts of crap, would just laugh at you. I really was being incredibly kind to you when I said you sounded like a bit of a hack. In fact, to the outside observer, you sound absolutely delusional.

The whole world over, there have been different configurations of government around the financial crisis from all around the political spectrum. Typically the governments in office at the time of the crash have since been replaced by a new government, and typically the new governments have all had massive deficits, but nowhere else have I ever heard people criticising the new governments for having historically high deficits. That really would be such an incredibly stupid argument to make that there is no way anyone would even try. It. Just. Doesn't. Happen.

You just don't seem to realise how stupid you sound.

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