Veigar 5.4 Changes

The thing is, Veigar was never a VERY BIG problem. He had a very small percentage of the community playing him and most of them did it because he was a fun pick that you would never normally bring into competitive play. The only reason he got any attention was because of the removal of DFG. But instead of compensation as we were promised, he gets his unique AoE stun cage nerfed almost to the brink of uselessness. It is completely unreliable and his kit is almost completely centered around landing Q's and praying to land a W with of course his Ult being a good finisher (unless you got some god damn Fizz..).

That being said I really appreciate the positivity and a good outlook for how he can be played. There is so much negativity surrounding this whole situation (DaBox, a Master tier Veigar main, literally gave up on League after the nerfs and Veigar just seems to have a useless ability that has a very high risk (if I miss this I waste a lot of mana) and you seem to have almost no consistancy, overall making him frustrating to play). But I think that Veigar just got his early game nerfed really hard, whereas in late game with your still crazy damage you can contribute a lot. Early game is just mainly focused on farming, and maybe trading. But you really cannot contribute to early game teamfights because of your low damage, and inconsistent stun which is no help for anyone.

The only HUGE problem I see is that Support Veigar is useless in terms of CCing the enemy, and now is only useful in trading with Q and about a 3 second zone that is only slightly respectable compared to the old version.

I just want Veigar to keep a reliable form of CC in his kit while still remaining bursty. The main situations where I can see him still played would be if he is picked against AP comp teams, because his ult can chunk the enemy super hard at almost any stage of the game.

One point I want to bring up is about his old stun. The point being was the only counter to it was basically itemization (QSS, Tenacity and Banshee's Veil <-(not 100% always useful)). QSS when used right is very useful for high burst AD Bruisers, Tenacity worked for just about everyone because it would massively lower the duration of the stun.

Another thing that people don't normally bring up was the short range of his Q. If you wanted to trade you had to be fast and seize at just the right time, now he just sits back and pokes/farms. It's really bringing his play style into a passive trade/farm mode in the early instead of having to be up close and personal if you wanted to win lane.


I'll make it a bit simpler


Old Veigar : Winning Lane Early - Up in your face, constantly trading with Q and forced to farm with auto's to conserve mana for trading. All in's were won with a well placed Event Horizon and a Q, W and (dubstep)ignite. Very easy to run out of mana if you didn't know that..

Mid Game - Roams bot and top lane if you are winning lane, participate in team fights providing a lot of CC and zoning around objectives, starting to become a noticeable force to be reckoned with. Mana costs starting to become less noticeable, but can still be a hindrance.

Late Game - Tons of Damage, good consistent CC, jumping in and out of front lines trying to find a stun to land on someone (The old E range would actually force you into the front lines.. Crazy). Overly strong if got fed in the Early - Mid game, a lot of unavoidable damage, full combo easy to land if enemy didn't itemize. Mana costs are almost not noticeable at all anymore.


New Veigar:

Early Game : Farm it up and trade whenever possible in lane. Trades are only possible if the enemy leaves themselves open and don't dodge the Q. Event Horizon very risky to use and is often seen as a waste of mana in lane that can put you behind. If you do manage to land an Event Horizon and you aren't already out of mana you can do a decent trade, that will often leave you out of mana if you weren't already.

Mid Game - Starting to have presence, still does well in team fights, but mostly for zoning and not for reliable forms of CC, up to your team to CC them mostly. Q damage starts to hurt, Ult is still a good finisher, W is not really a consistent part of the kit anymore other than zoning (unless the enemy is willing to take a tiny amount of poke because you usually won't have this leveled up before E) and doing an extra bit of damage if the enemy is CCed.

Late Game - Good Damage, not as reliable as it used to be. Q can be blocked now, not as easy to land. W still unreliable unless enemy is CCed. E is hard to land, but if you do land and the enemy hasn't already itemized against you, your team should be able to do something. Ult is really hard to land in the late without putting yourself out of position because although it is a point-and-click, it has the lowest range of all your abilities. Ulting a non-CCed enemy can get you killed very easily. Mana costs become irrelevant a bit earlier in the late game now. Mobility is your best friend along with teammates with lots of consistent CC that you don't have anymore.


Sorry for the long text post, but all in all, this new patch was a nerf to his game play in terms of making him into a passive champ who is no longer rewarded for going aggressive on the front lines and landing a short ranged stun. People always used to expect a Veigar to be passive, and the aggressive play style that he could put out caught people buy surprise, and these changes have brought Veigar into the place that the World wanted him to be in, passive.

/r/summonerschool Thread