Uruguay political party political compass

-Frente Amplio (centre left) i decided to put it there because they have many ideologies in their party, such as socialism, communism, marxism, moderate left, socdem, etc.

-Partido Nacional (centre right) nationalism, conservative, centre right

-Partido Colorado (lib right, the red one) classical liberalism, free trade, republicanism

-Cabildo Abierto (auth right) conservative, extreme right, artiguism (separation of the executive, legislative and judicial powers, Government focused on the safety of citizens.) (some people say that they are straight up fascists)

-Peri (lib left) ecological policy, sustainability, ecologist, anti-imperialism (this party is mostly formed by former Frente Amplistas)

-Partido de la gente (lib right, the green one) economic liberalism, right-wing populism, socially conservative

-Partido independiente (centrist) socdem, christian humanism (they call themselves leftist but everyone knows they are centrists or centrist leaning right)

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