Unpopular opinion—I hope the cable companies continue to stay alive and thrive.

I dont know where you live, but the cable companies rates in NJ are not “competetive”. In NJ lets say you cancel the TV portion of your service, and just keep the internet so you can stream. They charge you almost as much for the just keeping the internet as you would pay for keeping the TV along with it. They know what people are doing and their rates are adjusted accordingly to make sure we all pay out the ass regardless of what package we take. Let me put this into my perspective for you. I have a 1000 sq ft condo. I have the cheapest cable rate i can get at about 150/mo. My cable costs more per month then my gas, electric, and water combined. I hope these cable companies, fail, go broke, whatever. I could give 2 shits what happens to them.

/r/cordcutters Thread