UK MPs reject proposal to make misogyny a hate crime

A number of amendments were made to the bill, including that misogyny should be classed a hate crime. On Monday the amendment was defeated by 314 to 190 votes, a majority of 124. Policing minister Kit Malthouse argued the amendment "runs the risk of being damaging to the cause of women's safety" and could have "unintended consequences". But during a debate earlier, Home Office minister Rachel Maclean said the government would bring forward legislation to make public sexual harassment a crime if a review proved it was needed.

Campaigners, Labour and the Liberal Democrats say characteristics of sex or gender should be added to hate crime laws, because misogyny is one of the "root causes" of violence against women. The government has said it would follow guidance from a independent review, which did not recommend misogyny should be classed as a hate crime. The Law Commission's review said the move risked creating "hierarchies" of victims, and may "prove more harmful than helpful".

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