U.S. states seek $2.2 trillion from OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma: filings

I got addicted to opioids and specifically Oxycotin around 2005-2006 and eventually switched to heroin along with a lot of my close friends from high school. Most of those friends are dead or in prison now. I eventually started to try and get clean and was prescribed saboxon that I would sell to get more heroin. I finally got clean in January 2011 by loosing all faith in any kind of higher power and just failing over and over and over, but not after loosing people close to me, getting booted from the army reserves after hiding it for almost 5 years and really fucking myself up mentally loosing all self esteem which help hold me back career wise.

I'm doing fine now and make ok money and can make and maintain relationships and all that normal stuff, but I guess is what I'm getting at is... When is my settlement check going to arrive?

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