Two cents on the "Cloverfield" title, J. J., and the Clover-verse

How about the beginning when director of the movie says it takes place in another universe - - "I didn't know they (Cloverfield and 10 Lane) were going to be connected with the title until about an hour before the trailer came out" - Title was put on after the movie was already finished. - From Goodman and everyone it sounds like they changed the title at the last second.

Also I can see that JJ tries to justify this whole people misleading with movie "being deserving of attention" - - and not really answering the question - wtf does this have to with Cloverfield at all? Oh.. "blood relatives" because it's similar in how it will influence a genre.. like hundreds of other movies did before Cloverfield, so yes, let's change the title, it's not misleading at all.

This is smart business for them but to most people this is just lying, it is, this is like taking Whiplash and putting it in MCU and saying that they are "blood relatives" because.. just make something up: simplicity in story, tension in scene. This has literally zero to do with Cloverfield, nothing. Most people also seem to just dismiss this movies IMAX release like that's nothing, when in fact this is just a tactic to get more money, none of this movie was shot in IMAX, heck, why also not release this in 3D? It's blood relative after all.. or how about that 4D theater in New York or 70mm version?

There is a line where you can say that it's an anthology movie, but when you take a random indie movie and slap a new title on it and release the way JJ and his gang did it, that's lying to people and it seems to be working, I have seen quiet a few comments slapping this movie as a boring snooze fest where nothing happens, these people were expecting Cloverfield, a monster, something, anything to do with first movie, most people don't watch JJ's interviews and all they see is the title and marketing and do think that this is Cloverfield 2 or at least that it has elements from first movie, you know how people are, they have no time to do research in production before seeing "The Cellar", JJ knew that, marketing team knew and used it.

On the side of the director, I can already see him saying in future interviews that he didn't like how title was handled, he made an original, good movie, JJ took that and shoehorned it in to a different universe just to make more money. Now this movie can't stand on it's own anymore, it will always be connected to a franchise that has nothing to do with it.

I like your sources -

The production of the film was able to stay under the radar because it shot under the a working title, Valencia, which was never intended to be the final title for the movie.

Nobody ever said that 10 Cloverfield Lane was intended as the final title before movie was complete, and it wasn't.

As for how the film came to be titled 10 Cloverfield Lane, it is true that the title came a bit later.

Like after movie was finished.

That said, there are two very minor shots added to the film to connect it to the Clover-verse: a very quick insert shot in the movie that was added in post production which is a fun easter egg for those who participated in the viral ARG (augmented reality game). And a quick shot of a mail box (imagine something like the one on the IMAX poster) that was added in post after the title was finalized.

Only two things connecting this movie were added after it was already complete. Take these out and change the title, show it to anyone and ask: "Which franchise is this connected to?" I can guarantee you that nobody that has ever seen Cloverfield will ever make that connection, whole style, genre, cast, director and everything is different and it's actually a small budget indie movie without a tittle.

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