The treasure has been found.

Bragging rights time! Here's the pickings from my solve:

WWWH = cease (the word cease as it lies in the poem)

Take in the canyon down = an acrostic starting with the "c" in cease and the acrostic is "canyon". It forms a butterfly shape.

Not far = "nigh" acrostic. Starting with the "n" at the end of "canyon". Forms a hook shape.

But too far to walk = "halt" acrostic. Starting with "h" at the end of "nigh". Forms a smoke shape.

Put in below the home of brown = "Brown" is the acrostic, starting with the b in "bold".

All 4 of these image acrostics line up with the shapes of the creeks that dump into the Arkansas starting with Cottonwood creek. Below the home of brown (Browns creek/Arkansas) is the town of Monarch, which forms the "c" in "cease" as you now acrosticize using the names of Towns.

/r/FindingFennsGold Thread