Travis County COVID-19 confirmed cases have risen by 118* to 37,238. Death count has increased by 5 to 483. Here is a visualization of what we know so far. (OC - Updated 11/25)

Agreed. It's definitely been fear mongered by the media. Fear= money. Don't believe me? Look at the comments on this exact sub! People comment more when its bad, so OF COURSE the media is going to play it up. On the other side people are sick of the fear mongering and think its nothing to worry about. But they are both wrong; the truth is nuanced and in the middle. But that's BORING and complicated, no one would watch that news channel. Right now, we are devisive as ever and we as a country need to figure out how to make news shift to the truth. It sucks that news/social media is literally programmed to create controversy that divides us. Controversy creates the most clicks.

I wish we could literally just have scientists tell us, but unfortunately, not enough people understand math/science. Sorry in advance, but not knowing what a log graph is sad to me. Didn't we all take Algebra II?

Covid is definitely a serious issue, but if you think the media isn't playing anything up (or playing it down) to make more money, you are naive.

Science over everything.

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