Took TRP Still have some BP because of a failed LTR

I have sustained the exact same emotional trauma not too long ago. As a beta, it's shocking to hear that the girl whose honour you had tried to ''protect'' (a very beta thing to do) for so long ended up becoming some alpha's plate, only to get rejected by said alpha when asking him the famous ''What are we?'' question (that is how I know she became a plate - plates typically ask this to secure commitment).

That's your ex-girlfriend, your old unicorn, being tossed aside by some dude after a few sessions only two weeks after your relationship with her ended. I couldn't understand. Why would she do that to herself? Where is her honour?

Did I give in when I found out my ex was associating herself with guys many leagues above me? HELL FUCKING NO. Upon discovering her new lifestyle, I called my buddy, picked him up and went partying like a fucking madman on the very same day. Got myself a gym membership the day thereafter (ex told me that the guy was attractive, so I told myself ''I'll show that bitch who's attractive!'') and stumbled upon TRP. Began reading.

Fast forward a few months and I can confidently say that my knowledge has increased, as did my muscle mass, and being at that party showed me that plenty of girls would like a piece of me even though I was 30 pounds overweight at the time. And all this shit happened while I was dealing with that trauma.

I still can't say I'm over it, but I realise there's nothing about her that I'm genuinely missing. She had some amazing tits, that's pretty much it. This trauma was a blessing in disguise, I'll never be mistreated again (nor will I ever mistreat a girl again due to beta insecurity).

You've just got to stay strong, brother. Scars take a long time to fade. PM me if you'd like to vent, we're all in this together.

/r/TheRedPill Thread