Okay. I do not wan't to be rude but, if you are so uninformed about something ... why do you want share your ignorance (and borderline bigotry) with us?
You'll find that it's not the "bigger part of the world" (whatever that is) that has university tuition fees 10x of those in Quebec, that in many many places cheap, free and even subsided higher education is the norm.
Yes there is a cultural conflict in Québec. It stems from centuries of social inequities between two communities. One dominating the other (and both dominating a third, but I digress). But frankly, it's on it's last legs. Why? Because the younger generation, anglo, franco or immigrant really embraces billinguialism and even trillingualism. Oh yes, there are still frictions. Yes, Québec is the only state with French as the sole official language in north america.
And for the cost of higher education here, societies make democratic choices. We elect governments and sometimes these governments pass bills they never told they would pass during the election. What's left for people to express their discontent? Oh yes, letters to your PM. But we also take the streets for things we care about.
Like social mobility. Cheap and free education is one of the main reason the Québécois got out submission (especially economical). Every time a government tries to raise the fees, it is seen as a regression, an attempt to reduce access to higher education, and people fight against it. The 2012 protests were exceptionnal in lenght and intensity.
And the hockey riots ... well, I do not know why you threw that in there. Last one was about 5 years ago. The others were in 2008, 93, 86 ... and 1955. Remember the Canadiens are in the playoffs almost every year and they won 24 cups.. so every year if we win or lose? Please...