TIL of Simphiwe Mvuyana who was a trigger happy IFP member who would kill ANC (MK) members for fun.

Lotta things you can blame on inkatha, but Shell House is not really one of them It was totally them. Those motherfuckers charged the building and tried to get inside. They were firing with shotguns - buckshot and solid shot - at us inside. Security on that day was non existent. There was nobody outside guarding. I showed up earlier and walked in and took the elevator up to the 10th floor. All I had to do was sign in with no questions asked. I was a junior reporter then with no affiliation to any party. The building was full of admin staff. Outside there were a couple of SAPs, the old apartheid police who were just there for basic guard duty. The 'impi' was armed with spears, nobkirris and that crap. They were trying to get inside and there was no reason to think they'd be anymore gentle than at Trustfeed or Boipatong. Security inside were arguing and literally struggling with the one AK47 they had over whether it should be used or not. When the shooting started from outside at the building the SAPs guys tried to intervene. They were completely outgunned. I could see them firing pot shots with their revolvers but they quickly ran out of ammo and left. Inside there was this one guy, short bloke in a suit jacket who showed up and grabbed the weapon those inside were arguing over. He went outside and fired on the impi. Took out six. One attacker I remember lying on the pavement alive in his traditional skins. Ankle hanging from a shred of skin, no bone left intact. I also recall the fallen were in a line - they'd come charging around the corner from the building on the north west side. Heading for the front door of Shell House that faced south. This burst of fire stopped anything more happening. But the rest of the day the impi wandered around Joburg CBD. They shot people in the Standard Bank building. I saw a cop hit in the head from a round fired by an Inkatha sniper. His corpse was dragged away from behind a Ratel in case he was driven over. This was at Library Gardens. This was all supposed to be a demonstration by Inkatha nothing more So yes, Shell House was Inkatha. They did it. As fucked up as the ANC has become, this was not on them.

/r/southafrica Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org