TIL that Ring was on Shark Tank and walked away without a deal. Ring later sold to Amazon for $1 billion.

I saw someone on the Australian version a few years ago that I knew from where I was working in the early 2000s, back then he was a courier driver that was really friendly with us and talked to us about his business selling miniature pallets (like the size to be used with a hand cart instead of a forklift) and gave us a few of them, and we bought some as well because they were handy for us. They ended up offering him $400Kal al

I remember being amazed though when he told the panel that he'd only started making them and building the business for around 6 years or something when I clearly remembered him doing it more like 15 years ago!

Anyway I'm writing this because I just looked him up and found this article saying it ended up falling through because of due diligance, I wonder if it was for that cheeky lie lol

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - youtube.com