Throw us a bone already, Bungie - it feels like you've thrown year 1 destiny on auto-pilot with 2 months left

Except a lot of people bought the DLCs together. So, even though TDB was a goose egg, they already owned the rights to HoW. TTK is not like that, so Bungie definitely needs to step up their game to keep people around.

I hope the community sticks to its guns on this one, but I don't have a ton of faith. Some people are voicing this concern, but scores of others are excited about things that should raise serious questions, such as season one Vanguard gear being re-skinned for Faction vendors.

I've seen a bunch of people say, "YES! Season one armor was great!" much in the same way people were saying, "YES! We go back to the Vault of Glass for the HoW story!" Why are we getting excited about recycled assets? Why are we excited to fight slightly modified versions of existing enemies? Why do we salivate when we hear the devs say, "The Dreadnaught is a whole new area," as if getting one new area is some sort of favor they're doing for us and not the bare-minimum, mandatory feature a company from five years ago would have to have added in order to get us to even consider upgrading? Why has no one raised a fuss over the fact that two-thirds of the grenades for the new subclasses are pulled from other classes? Like, seriously, you could only design three new grenades in a year + ?

I don't know if I'll buy Taken King. What I know for sure is that I refuse to believe there's more than what's being advertised ("you haven't even seen the best stuff yet!") until I actually see it. Honestly, at this point, I think Taken King is going to give a new raid, a new area, new subclasses, new weapons, two new Crucible playlists and that's it. That's cool and all, but I don't know if it's worth $40.

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