things i didn’t think would happen when i started drinking

I went out to the bars last night. I live in a shitty / poor town. It happens that I make about 60% more than the average resident that lives here, for perspective. Well, this town has a hotel that caters to long term residents; it has a cheap bar on the bottom floor. Most of their residents are either alcoholics, retired alcoholics, or meth heads.

I see two dudes out front, drinking nattys or whatever. I say "hey I'll buy you guys a drink." They literally each grabbed a "to go" tall can, lol. I said "yo.... did you want a drink for here?"

Like kids "YEA!"

So I bought them a beer and shot at the bar too. Cool dudes. But honestly.... WTF. I am like half their age, doing twice as well.... they are people who settled in life. I've been there. It feels so weird being the voice of reason when I have it all fucked up too, in my own ways. I just happen to be on a good run of cards for the moment. I wouldn't be shocked if in a year I was coming here like "GUYS, I lost my job and I'm gonna be homeless!"

We shall see. I have the feeling you are a bit of a prolific writer, no?

/r/cripplingalcoholism Thread