Is there medical research being done to find safe recreational drugs? And if not why?

LOL if only the world worked like that, people are turning to street drugs en masse and are dying of overdose at record numbers so what does our amazing government do? Scoop up the low-level dealers and ship them off to prison! PROFIT! PROFIT! PROFIT! Oh but what about the producers of all this illicit fentanyl? Nah no worries folks we'll let it come right through our borders for a price of course, I could go on and on. Why the fuck would anybody bother spending the MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of dollars that it costs to have quality R&D done, it's way too late for that, you'd need to time travel back to the 50s. The war on drugs is inherently illogical, save yourself the headaches and just accept it for what it is: deep corruption.

/r/researchchemicals Thread